The digital transformation of beautification

With the onset of COVID-19, Amazi, which focuses on self-development, entrepreneurship and technical beauty education, needed to redirect their strategy to reach and uplift women, digitally. 

In a space relatively unknown to them, Amazi turned to other social enterprises to help unlock this strategy. The E Squared SE Co-lab held in June 2021 was instrumental in making this happen, giving birth to a collaboration with RLABs and Zlto, enabling data-free access to young women in the Amazi skills development programs. Following completion of soft skills modules, these women are then invited to apply to further their technical skills and continue learning on the Zlto platform. 

According to Amazi, “re-imagining how we create impact sustainably with the onset of COVID-19 has been both the biggest challenge and opportunity we’ve faced as an organisation.” This expanded digital reach for Amazi, will provide access to skills development opportunities for so many more young women than Amazi had initially envisioned.